Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Clash of Two Wisdoms

Just felt like I needed to post this excerpt from Art Katz's book, Apostolic Foundations: The Challenge of Living an Authentic Christian Life, p. 139. (This is an excellent book by the way, and I highly recommend that you read it)

The Clash of Two Wisdoms

"We need to understand that there are two wisdoms in collision. Even the word 'wisdom' is slightly confusing here, because we think of wisdom in terms of cleverness, and the application of knowledge. A better definition for wisdom would be, "the moral values of God." It is what God is in Himself, and therefore it is what the church must demonstrate in itself exactly who and what God is in Himself. This is what Jesus did in His earthly walk. Everything He did was for the purpose of the Father, without regard to Himself, even though it resulted in His own suffering and death. God is waiting for the corporate church to make exactly the same demonstration in order that the age might conclude. When we begin to take God and His Word seriously, and realize that this must be fulfilled through the church, then we should also realize that God is calling us to more than the casual conglomeration of saints meeting on Sunday. This requires an earnest, daily relationship, and a growing up together."

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