"There is something required from us. God preaches the word, but the word is without profit unless something comes out from us to receive it, and take it to heart, and to turn it into something." ~ Arthur Katz, "Apostolic Foundations: The Challenge of Living an Authentic Christian Life," p. 111
There is something "other" that is required from us than sitting in our seats on a Sunday morning, taking notes of the preacher's message. We desperately need to understand that unless we activate the words of God, unless we reach out with our spirits to grasp those words and intentionally walk them out, we will be missing something in our life. There needs to be an intentionality about us; a fervor and a desire for God's glory that characterizes us and that takes precedence over our own personal well-being and the attention given to our own goals and dreams. This (God's glorification) comes first!
This activation of God's Word on our part has many implications for our personal life. One of those implications is putting personal goals and dreams in their correct place. I address this issue of personal goals and dreams cautiously. For I know without a doubt that God creates or wires people in such a way to be skilled at certain things, and drawn to function in particular arenas of life. To one He gives a love of music; and to another He gives a gifted mind in the area of mechanics. Nevertheless, other goals and dreams can be born out of superficiality; they are almost like an acquired taste; they are created by the expectations others have of us and our recognition of those expectations. Because of the difference in constitution of the two goals and dreams, they naturally differentiate between themselves. God-given goals and dreams will work towards giving God glory. Whereas, superficial goals and dreams work in a manner contrary to that same end. Therefore, although goals and dreams are incorporated in a person's life giving God glory, they should remain just that, an incorporation.
This "other thing" which is required from us will include sacrifice. The issuing of a timely word from God, through whatever instrument God might choose, encompasses the whole man. That is to say the whole man is required to respond. A man is not to be justified in affirming the word with only his intellect. This reminds me of quote which goes something along the lines of, "It doesn't take much of a man to be a Christian just all there is of him." Everything in us and apart of us is working towards advancing the Kingdom of God
So let the disposition of our spirit be one of activation and realization. Let's not passively listen to the Word of God, but let's allow it to gauge our hearts and minds, and drive us to live a life worthy of the calling to which we have been called. Don't simply listen to the Word of God, but act upon it, consume it, and allow it to form and shape your life so that you reflect Christ.
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